Design - Within 10-14 business days of receiving your company information and deposit, Jason Hogan Designs (JHD) will create up to three to four different logo concepts for your business. Logo designs will be submitted for your review via email unless otherwise negotiated. Upon receipt of your feedback on these designs, JHD will make any needed changes to your favorite of the three logo designs. Up to two rounds of revision are included in the quoted price. Further revisions or additional mock-ups will incur additional costs at JHD's current hourly rate.
File Delivery - After the final logo design is approved, the logo design is emailed to you as digital files (.jpg, .png, .pdf, and .eps or similar vector graphics file formats).
Logo Credit - $100 of the final logo fee will be added to your account as a credit for your first order using the new design.
**Please note - logo files shown on this page are for creative display only and do not reflect any specific company.